Chanukah is a time of great joy for all believers in the monotheistic God of Abraham. It is a time to celebrate. A time for reflecting and rededication of yourself to God. Remembering God’s plan for your life and reflecting the Father’s great love for the world.
We find in Galatians 5:22-23 that God is Love and the fruits of the Spirit all come from the love of God. Each night during Chanukah, we see His love, as we light a candle for each of these eight special nights. Our time together reveals our dependence on His love and the working of the Spirit in our lives.
Ι trust as you experience this time of great joy, that your understanding of God and the working of the Spirit will fill you with His joy. Α joy that the Spirit gives, and the Father's heart that cares about and sees the lives of all His children.
On this first night, we light the candle of Joy. When we experience God's Love, we can begin to experience the Joy the Spirit gives. Regardless of the circumstances life brings our way, the Joy of the Lord is our strength. The fruit of the Spirit operating in our life allows us to anchor our hope and faith in the Father. The candle we light first each night during these 8 special nights is God = Love. God is Love.
The world is in a very challenging place today. We have been placed in this time, to reflect the Love of God to those around us. During this first day of Chanukah take the opportunity and show Joy to the world. Let's give the world a platform to see that our Father is the giver of life, Love, and Joy.
Many blessings,